1. It’s free!
Once you’re online, there is no further expense. Services like Gmail, Yahoomail, Hotmail are completely free.

2. Easy to reference
Sent and received messages and attachments can be stored safely, logically and reliably. It’s a lot easier to organize emails than paper.

3. Easy to use
Once you’re set up, sending and receiving messages is simple. That goes for a host of other email functions. Data storage and contacts can be accessed quickly and easily.

4. Easy to prioritize
Incoming messages have subject lines that mean you can delete without opening. How much time does that save compared to ‘snail mail?’

5. Speed
Message to send? Done, under a second! Email is as fast a form of written communication as any. Fastest of the communication.

6. Global
Web based email means you can access your messages anywhere online. Going overseas? Before you go, mail yourself a copy of your passport number, travel insurance details or your accommodation details.

7. Good for the planet
Actually the advantages and disadvantages of email are clear here. Computers themselves aren’t ‘green’, but email offsets some of the damage by reducing the environmental cost of contact.

8. Info at your fingertips
Storing data online means less large, space taking file cabinets, folders and shelves. You can access information far quicker if you learn how to use email this way.

9. Leverage
Send the same message to any number of people. Adaptations are simple, too. If you have a product or service to sell, email is an effective medium to get your message out.

10. Send reminders to yourself
Do you use more than one account? Email yourself messages from work to home or vice versa. Does the idea of two or more accounts seem complicated? It’s not if you know how to manage multiple accounts.

Used well, email really is a superb communication and productivity tool.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

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